Economic Growth of Low Carbon-Society

Energy consumption in the urban area
Today an urban city does not sleep in 24 hours. The lights are on all day, and air conditioner controls an indoor temperature which generates heat island phenomena. According to the theory of heat dynamics, if Air conditioner creates a comfortable room, a difference of temperature between indoor and normal condition reflects outdoor temperature. The electric power consumed by light in the night and to control air condition must be produced in somewhere.
The figure shows night view of a center of a city. The lights of the city spread lighting over the horizon.
The electric power corporation provides the energy, it transfers to buildings through electric transmission lines, to maintain the transportation and communication network.
The East Japan earthquake disaster on Mar 11th, 2011 revealed potential problems in the city.
When electric power supply stopped, the functions paralyzed in the city, communication, and transportation network stopped, traffic signals were off. In a case of some trouble, electric power supply to a high emergency system, many functional services of the city were shut off.
There is no theft or mob after stopped electric power supply. The ethics of the people in the city was still functional. Except for the special event happened in FX market at early morning on Mar 17th in Japan time, it seemed that the crowd had ethical behavior.
Stopped electric power supply by earthquake revealed various problems. The safety illusion of atomic power plant is one of them.
The distance generates a loss of electric power to transmit through the transmission line made of aluminum. If the distance of transmission is longer, the electric resistance is bigger, so the loss of power also bigger.
Why the power plant established in Fukushima which is far from consumption area?
There is a loss of power to transmit from Fukushima. If the atomic power plant establishes on available space in the environs of Tokyo, the loss of power can control low level because the power plant can supply electric power near the consumption area. If the atomic power plant is safe, Tokyo is the best choice as a location of the power plant.
If a problem is hidden into Blackbox, an interested party who deviate from original purpose comes into existence in where nobody knows in society.
People are afraid of the dark in the night because they cannot know what has happened in there.
Clean energy
The accident of atomic power plant in 2011 might become a trigger to boost shifting clean energy like Germany in the eurozone. But the atomic power plant runs again.
It seemed that electric power supply to the city can avoid in short supply using a thermal power plant with a fuel natural gas.
The Atomic power plant does not emit carbon dioxide so that it is clear the carbon dioxide emission control. The thermal power plant has to run, although it increases carbon dioxide emission.
It is necessary to reduce electric power consumption. LED is based on the photoelectric effect. There is no loss of power that waste as heat. It is clean so that it emits light as a basis of the same principle and reverse process of solar power generation system.

Progressing innovation like a LED which uses a technology in photoelectric effect does not waste electric power. It can control low power consumption which lights up the dark in the night. It is necessary to progress smart grids and to proceed development technology to control loss of power.